Images in OmniUpdate

Images by default are inaccessible to those who cannot see them due to poor vision or blindness.

In general, images containing text should be avoided in favor of text alternatives to convey the same meaning. This is a legal requirement of the WCAG 2.0/2.1 specification.

Images Need Descriptions

Add Image pane in OmniUpdate showing Source and Description fields
  • We need to provide descriptions for anything that contains informative content.
  • Photos can be appropriate descripted using the Description field (pictured in preceeding photo), which contains a succinct description of the content of the image.
  • Keep in mind that we are just trying to convey the content of the image to the user and are not trying to overwhelm them with a wordy description.

Decorative Images

If for some reason an image must be added to the page and it does not require a description, if used for look or feel for example rather than contributing to the meaning of the page, we can give leave the Description field empty, which will tell screen readers to ignore it.

NOTE: Use caution with an empty description field. If there are words on the image, or the image links to another page, the Description field must not be empty.

Using OmniUpdate’s Accessibility Checker

Once you feel that your page is ready for the world to see, there is one more step before you Publish the page to ensure that it is accessible to all audiences.

  1. Press the Publish Button (seen in the following image).
    Publish Button
  2. The Publish Dialog box will pop up giving you a few options before publishing.
    Publish Dialog showing the Accessibility Checker tool location in OmniUpdate

    In order to best prepare your site, I suggested running both the Broken Link Checker (labeled as “Links”) and fixing any issues it finds, as well as the Accessibility Checker.

  3. Review the initial results of the scan that you ran.
    Results of OmniUpdate Accessibility Checker

    The problems are broken down into 3 categories: known problems, likely problems, and potential problems

If you need help fixing any of the issues that you find, please contact Bryan Besnyi.